I get asked often about glass and how important it really is. The answer is it depends on how valuable your piece is. Some frame shops offer clear glass included in the price or "free". The big box/craft store will tell you HAVE to have Museum glass. So, what is the correct answer.
Regular clear glass is good for anything that won't fade or you are ok with it fading and changing color over time. Sun causes this the most, but indoor lights can also cause fading, it just takes longer.
UV or Conservation Clear as well as Museum are the 2 kinds of glass we recommend, because they are both 99% UV protective. The difference is the look and the price. UV looks exactly like clear glass with some reflection. Museum glass almost disappears. It has a coating that removes almost all glare. It is by far the best glass to use and the one we sell the most of.
Glass the most important element of your frame for protecting and preserving your art.
For larger heavier projects we can also use acrylic or plexi glass in the same Clear, UV or Museum. Our design staff can show you the different types of glass and prices and help you make the right choice for your art and budget.
Painted Canvases, wood and metal applications do not need glass.